Emergency Number

Covid 19 Newsletter

Dear Patient, Our number one priority has and will always be the safety of our patients and families, our staff, and our community. The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated a number of changes to our office protocols. We are reviewing on a regular basis, with multiple resource centers (CDC, ADA, AAO, CSDA, Ct. Dept. of Public Health), the most up to date guidelines and implementing them into our practice to ensure everyone’s safety.

Call for Appointment


Prior to the visit AND the night before, please have the patient brush their teeth at home, as our hygiene area will be temporarily closed.


Call us upon your arrival in the parking lot.


Please wait in your car and we will notify you when we are ready for your visit.


Please escort the patient to the entrance of our office. At that point, an office “screener” will greet you and review a short questionnaire. Current guidelines advise limiting the number of people in our office facility. We ask that the patient come in by themselves. If this is not possible, one adult ONLY may escort them (sorry, no siblings may accompany them at this time).


Have the patient wear their face mask from home when they come into the office.


A team member will take a temperature prior to entering the office. Anything above 100.4 will require rescheduling.


Following the patient’s appointment, the patient will replace their face mask and return to the car. We will then call you with a treatment update and to schedule the next appointment.

Thank You

For the near future, our reception area will be converted to a pre-treatment screening area. All magazines, toys and other such items will be removed.

Our team members will be wearing additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) as advised by the American Dental Association and other organizations. As an additional precaution, your child’s teeth will be cleaned with hand instruments rather than the normal rotary instruments to eliminate any aerosols.

In light of our desire to avoid the creation of aerosols, elective procedures, such as preventive sealants, will be postponed for the time being. When it is deemed appropriate to resume said procedures, we will make that known, and can schedule an appointment for you.

We appreciate your assistance and understanding in helping us implement these new measures. As stated in the opening of this communication, SAFETY is our number one priority.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office and one of the doctors will gladly speak with you.


Dr. Kevin Maltz
Dr. Andrew Rosenstein
Dr. Brianna Munoz